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What To Look For In Environmentally Friendly Cleaning Products

July 20, 2020

By: Missy Ordiway, Director of Operations

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An image of the ClenzOzone system of environmentally friendly products.Are you considering the environment when you choose your cleaning products? Most of us are and we want to share with you some of the effects of how our cleaners are environmentally friendly cleaning products.


Products that leave little to no foot print are considered to be environmentally friendly. Cleaning products often have chemicals that are harmful to the environment and can cause air pollution, contaminate soil, eliminate habitats and degradation of land.

Hydrogen Peroxide is created through air, water and electricity. There are many various ways that this process can happen yet it all boils down to the sustainability of the products needed to create the end result.

Residual Effects

When your environmentally friendly cleaning products interact with the microbial they are cleaning do you see the process happening? Likely not. Our products being hydrogen peroxide based give you the satisfaction you are looking for when you are cleaning.

You can actually see the transformation take place and know when the process is completed. And the aftermath? Something we all feel safe around. Air and Water. You heard me correctly, air and water are the residual effects from hydrogen peroxide. These elements already exist in nature, therefore we know they are good for the environment.

Air Quality

Most products put off compounds that have a high vapor pressure and low water solubility they are called Volatile Organic Compound (VOC). The VOC level helps to determine the Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) which informs product end-users of the safety and person well-being of the building environment where they are using the product.

For a product to be considered an environmentally friendly cleaning product it must produce little to no VOC's. This also means that it must "not contain chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), halogenated chlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), or other
ozone depleting substances," per Air Quality Sciences Inc.


This term was used frequently as we began to find better ways to breakdown material waste and have it reintegrate with the Earth. Biodegradable products are important because the remaining waste is integrated into our soil and this is where we grow the food we eat.

Products that breakdown into organic material, carbon dioxide and water vapor are easily integrated back into the environment and break down much faster than other products.

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